The country seems to go on pause. It is Panama´s Independence month. Four of the most significant days in Panama´s history are in November. November 3 is the day of Panama´s separation from Colombia, November 4th was designated as Flag Day, November 10th is the day of the First Cry of Independence in La Villa de Los Santos and finally November 28th is Panama´s Independence Day from Spain.

Panamanians just love a celebration so November is a month for celebration. On November 3rd and 4th there is an official parade in which government entities, public and private schools participate. The schools, the police and the firemen are accompanied by their own music bands and all wear full dress uniforms.

The parade generally takes place on  the main streets of Panama City which is closed for those two days.

Celebrations start at 12 midnight with the Firemen Band playing “dianas” in diferent places of the city at the same time. “Dianas” are the typical way Panamanians receive and celebrate their national days. Bands that play “dianas” are composed of bugles, trumpets and drums.

But, the Panama Canal never stops …

En el mes de la Patria, te saludamos Panamá

A video posted by Canal de Panamá (@canaldepanama) on

Nuestra Selección Nacional de Fútbol, orgullosos de portar el Pabellón Nacional este 3 de Noviembre. #VivaPanamá

A photo posted by Presidencia de Panamá (@presidenciapma) on