Wow.  What a an amazing World Series, an amazing team, and we definitely have some amazing fans!   Scarbrough is proud to be headquartered in Kansas City and excited for our hometown team!

We are proud of our Kansas City Royals!  

The Royals team is truly remarkable.  Their spirit resembles the spirit of Scarbrough — a family spirit that is also hard working, energized by followers and partners, and constantly showing resilience and problem solving when presented with a challenge.  When developing and training our team and managers at Scarbrough, we continually reference The Royals Team and their strategies, efforts and perseverance.   Now, that is a team we strive to be like.




Ariel View of Kansas City Royals Parade


{Photo: @brandontwichell –   }


Fun Facts about the Kansas City Royals

1985 was the last year the Royals were in the World Series.  A popular movie at that time, “Back to the Future,” looked into the future year of 2015.

The Royals have not lost a postseason game in 29 years.

The Royals have one of the longest postseason win-streaks in baseball history:

12 1927-1932

12 1998-1999

11 1985-2014

The Royals are the first team to win the Wild Card game to go to the World Series.

Facts Source